Helicóptero: Vôo para Trás


Helicóptero: Vôo para Trás

Para vôo para trás, o plano de trajetória de ponta é inclinado para trás, o que, por sua vez, inclina o vetor de propulsão de sustentação para trás. Arrastar agora age para frente com o componente de elevação para cima e o peso para baixo.

Forças que atuam no helicóptero durante o voo para trás.

Pilots must be aware of the hazards of rearward flight. Because of the position of the horizontal stabilizer, the tail end of the helicopter tends to pitch downward in rearward flight, causing the probability of hitting the ground to be greater than in forward flight. Another factor to consider in rearward flight is skid design. Most helicopter skids are not turned upward in the back, and any contact with the ground during rearward flight can put the helicopter in an uncontrollable position leading to tail rotor contact with the ground. Pilots must do a thorough scan of the area before attempting to hover rearward, looking for obstacles and terrain changes. Slower airspeeds can help mitigate risk and maintain a higher-than-normal hover altitude. 

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